Call for Papers
Ecology, Ecoomy and Society--the INSEE Journal is a society run diamond Open Access and Scopus indexed journal.
Ecology, Economy and Society – the INSEE Journal is an open access, peer reviewed journal of Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE), a registered society since 1999. It is indexed in Scopus and recognized by the UGC-CARE.
EES offers authors a forum to address socio-environmental issues from, across and within the natural and social sciences, with an aim to promote methodological pluralism and inter-disciplinary research.
Ecology, Ecoomy and Society--the INSEE Journal is a society run diamond Open Access and Scopus indexed journal.
Recognised by UGC Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics (CARE)
Member of Crossref
Included in
Holds DOAJ Seal.
Member of the Free Journal Network
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