


Full page                                                    Rs. 10,000 ( 20.3 cms x  12.7 cms width)

Centrespread/Doublespread                 Rs. 15,000 ( 20.3 cms height x 27.7 cms width)

Black and White

Centrespread/Doublespread                 Rs. 10,000 (20.3 cms height x  27.7 cms width)

Full page                                                    Rs. 5,000 (20.3 cms x  12.7 cms width)

Half page                                                   Rs. 3,000 ( 9.5 cms height x  12.7 cms width)

Mechanical Details

      Printing process                                :  Offset

      Paper                                                   :  Coated paper

      Paper size trimmed                           :  22.86 cms x 15.24 cms

      Print area                                             :  20.3 cms x 12.7 cms

      Centrespread/Doublespread           : 23.5 x 36cms

      Screen                                                  :  Black & White    - 100%

                                                                     : Colour                - 150%

      Material accepted                                 :  Soft copy in high resolution in pdf/jpeg/gif/tiff 

      Deadline for material                           :  30 days before date of  issue


         Banner (82 x  660 pixels)                                                Rs.  30,000/- 

         Spot (logo on home page and text in the inside page)        Rs.  25,000/- 

                   (logo size : 70 x 280 pixels)                                   


  1. Banner and Spot image advertisements will be displayed in all the pages including homepage of the journal.
  2. All the advertisements will be displayed on the website for a period of one month (30 days).
  3. The advertisers will supply the image to be displayed in jpg. or gif formats or other      similar web friendly formats.
  4. The text in the word format only to be supplied by the advertiser in case of text advertisements.
  5. Principles & Guidelines that the Advertising Standards Council of India recommends will be applicable for EES