Sustainable Management of Exotic Fish Biodiversity in Karnataka
Status, Challenges, and Threats
IAS(Invasive alien species), Biological invasion, Fish biodiversity, Threats, Conservation, Aquatic ecology, KarnatakaAbstract
Fish biodiversity, a significant part of the aquatic ecosystem, has been studied widely in India. However, the distribution and diversity of fish species have not been well-researched at the state and/or regional levels. Karnataka is bestowed with 8% of the country’s water resources, which are under extreme pressure because of unregulated population growth, biological invasion, and developmental requirements. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, India has been introducing alien species to its water bodies. Currently, 13.6% of the fish diversity in India is exotic and has been established voluntarily or involuntarily for various purposes. The establishment of invasive alien fishes negatively influences native fish communities around the globe. In general, most publications present the latest status of ichthyofauna in several regions of Karnataka; however, there is no up-to-date documentation on strategic environmental developments and unforeseen challenges, such as invasive alien species (IAS). This study reconstructs existing knowledge while analytically reviewing challenges, potential management techniques, advancements, and the impacts of climate change and disseminates the data necessary for the comprehension of the biological invasion of IAS.
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