Elements and Possible Constraints for a Smooth Energy Transition in India


  • Rakesh Kacker Retired Secretary to Government of India
  • Nidhi Srivastava Phd Scholar, Energy Studies Programme, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India




The Prime Minister of India laid down a target for India at COP 26—to achieve net zero emissions by 2070. Realizing this target depends upon a transition away from fossil fuels towards non-fossil-fuel alternatives. This Commentary highlights the main constraints in this attempt at transitioning to an energy mix that has a greater share of renewables. It is noted that while the share of solar and wind in installed capacity has increased significantly, there has been no corresponding decrease in the share of coal. In absolute terms, coal-based capacity has also shown significant increase. The Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of India as communicated to the UNFCC was revised in August 2022 in view of the progress made and now includes a target of increasing the share of non-fossil-fuel sources to 50% of installed capacity. In addition, in the recently released Draft National Electricity Plan (DNEP), a target of...


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How to Cite

Kacker, R. ., & Srivastava, N. (2023). Elements and Possible Constraints for a Smooth Energy Transition in India. Ecology, Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal, 6(1), 5–11. https://doi.org/10.37773/ees.v6i1.893