Celebrating Jodha
And Revisiting the Commons
Commons, Narpat S. JodhaAbstract
Narpat S. Jodha (1937–2020) passed away at the age of 83 years. He is best remembered for his contribution to research on the commons and livelihoods in semi-arid regions in India. His work has transcended geographical boundaries and has won him worldwide recognition. His passing away provides an occasion to revisit the commons issue for multiple reasons, mainly that the livelihood issues that triggered the study of the commons still remain. Despite all the livelihood benefits that the commons provide, it is widely acknowledged that the commons in India are under threat, which throws open multiple questions: Is it due to the absence of secure property rights among local communities or the result of weak governance mechanisms? We also recognize that research on the commons has moved beyond livelihood issues to gender perspectives, digital commons, urban issues, and health.
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