Lonergan's Contribution to Ecological Economics


  • Terrance Quinn Middle Tennessee State University




Bernard Lonergan, Ecological Economics, Capital Goods, Consumer Goods, Production Chains, Redistribution, Omni-disciplinary


This paper provides a brief introduction to Bernard Lonergan’s economic model, whose main features will contribute to a “transdisciplinary ecological economics”. Lonergan’s model was developed in the 1940s; however, some significant source documents only became available in the 1980s. It is worth looking at because it sheds light on current issues and may contribute to a needed “paradigm shift”. As in the searchings of contemporary ecological economics, the model calls for a new ethos. This paper touches on a few points for comparison between Lonergan’s model and mainstream and ecological economics.


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Author Biography

Terrance Quinn, Middle Tennessee State University

Professor Emeritus, Mathematical Sciences, Middle Tennessee State University, 1301 E. Main Street, Murfreesboro TN 37132 USA


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2021-01-28 — Updated on 2021-08-13

How to Cite

Quinn, T. (2021). Lonergan’s Contribution to Ecological Economics. Ecology, Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal, 4(1), 45–58. https://doi.org/10.37773/ees.v4i1.297