Ecology of Grasslands of Central Nicobar
Commons in a Sea of Change
Tropical Grasslands, Vegetation Analysis, Serpentine Soils, Nicobar Islands, Cultural Ecology, Grassland CommonsAbstract
The tropical grasslands of the Central Nicobar Islands have long been perceived as anthropogenic formations, which has influenced their conservation and management in the region. Despite their ecological and cultural significance, these grasslands have received limited scholarly attention, rendering them vulnerable to alternative land uses and conversion. This study aims to address these knowledge gaps through an extensive vegetation survey, soil analysis, and ethnographic research. The outcomes of the vegetation survey and soil analysis reveal that these grasslands are the result of serpentine soil formations, managed by Nicobari communities by fire. The ethnographic research reveals the cultural importance of the grassland commons and its governance through the tuhet system. Further, the study shows that the access regimes have undergone a rapid transformation during post-tsunami resettlement, endangering local instuitions and the sustainability of the grassland commons of the Nicobars.
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