Coexistence of Wild Fauna in the City
A Case Study of the Golden Jackal (Canis aureus Linn.) in Central Ridge, Delhi
Urbanisation, Delhi Ridge, Golden Jackals, Mesopredator, Behavioural Adaptations, Synanthropic Fauna, Urban AdaptersAbstract
Rapid urbanization across the world has drawn attention to the unique state of urban woodlands. New Delhi is one of the world’s most populous cities; yet, it harbours several woodlands that support a variety of wildlife. The persistence of mesopredators like the golden jackal (Canis aureus Linn.) in the city is intriguing and provides an opportunity to explore coexistence in an urban context. Using a combination of camera trapping and occupancy modelling, our study aims to understand the habitat use, distribution, and urban adaptations of the jackal in Delhi’s Central Ridge Reserve Forest. Preliminary analysis shows extensive habitat use and sophisticated adaptations including adjustments in activity patterns in response to human activity and competition from feral dogs. The study also demonstrated behavioural adaptations, particularly in terms of foraging, denning, and coexistence with other species, which enable these urban populations of golden jackals to persist in the city. The study indicates the need for newer frameworks for conservation of synanthropic wild fauna that persist in calorie-rich urban environments.
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