Methodological Accounting of the Ecosystem Services Benefits of Community-based Restoration
A Systematic Review
Community Managed Forests, Valuation Techniques, Benefit Cost Analysis, RestorationAbstract
Ecosystem services are important for human well-being; yet, their valuation poses significant challenges, particularly in the context of benefit–cost analyses (BCA) for ecosystem restoration. This is because most ecosystem services are not bought or sold directly on the market. This study systematically reviews the cost and benefit parameters used in BCA and highlights the limitations in accounting for the social benefits of community-based forest restoration programmes. Of a total of 500 research articles, 41 met our inclusion criteria, with only 11 focusing on community-managed projects. The analysis reveals that transaction costs are often underrepresented, while timber resources and carbon sequestration are prioritized. Common valuation methods include the direct market price approach (46%) and benefit transfer (63%). The economic analysis shows a higher median benefit–cost ratio for general forest management projects (2.24) compared to community-managed programmes (1.65). These findings underscore the need to refine BCA variables and enhance economic efficiency in community forest restoration efforts.
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