Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change and their Adaptation in a semi-Arid Region in India


  • Pradeep Mehta Ind Writing



Climate Change Adaptation, Perception, semi-Arid, Hazard


Climate change is emerging as a significant threat to farmers in semi-arid rural areas in India, where agricultural livelihoods are primarily dependent on rainfall. The effect of climate change on farmers’ social and economic well-being depends not only on their awareness of shifting climatic patterns but also on their responses to such changes. This study aims to examine farmers’ perceptions of climate change, analyse their responses to it, and identify factors contributing to farmers’ choice of anticipatory or reactive adaptation strategies. It was conducted in Nuh district in Haryana, a semi-arid region. The study comprised a primary survey of 384 farmers, with the sample size determined using probabilistic sampling method. It reveals that farmers have observed long-term changes in climatic factors (temperature and rainfall) and have adopted strategies to deal with them. In Nuh, the current institutional policy and knowledge mechanisms primarily focus on addressing short-term climate risks. As a result, farmers’ adaptive strategies tend to be reactive in nature, primarily focused on mitigating immediate losses in agricultural productivity. There is a critical need to address the differential vulnerabilities of farming communities and build their capacity to absorb risks through institutional and technological interventions.


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How to Cite

Mehta, P. (2024). Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change and their Adaptation in a semi-Arid Region in India. Ecology, Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal, 7(2), 95–120.