
INSEE -Mongabay India Workshop on “From Garbage to Pollen: How Economies Underlies the Decisions in South Asia”

Workshop Description

The first workshop in the series of the INSEE-MONGABAY capacity building on Environmental Economics for Journalists was held on 10th February 2023. The workshop had two technical sessions (i) The Economics of Urban Waste Management in South Asia and (ii) Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services. A total of 54 journalists participated in the workshop. The country-wise spread of the journalists is India - 37, Nepal - 9, Sri Lanka - 4, Bangladesh - 3, based in Norway – 1. For more details on the sessions and the discussions, refer to the workshop report.

Summary of the sessions:

Panellists and participants discussed story ideas and approaches on different topics, ranging from mining to attitudes in Indian newsrooms about environmental economics, tourism, pollution, assessing and approaching authors of studies that journalists look at for a particular story, use of proxy data, etc.

The webinar ended with a request to participants to pitch their story ideas based on environmental economics and to submit their feedback about the webinar. A summary of their feedback responses showed that most of them felt they benefited greatly from the webinar and appreciated the clarity of concepts covered by the panellists.