INSEE Fellows

Prof. M. N. Murty

The title of INSEE Fellow was conferred on Prof. M.N. Murty, during the Tenth Biennial Conference of INSEE (2019), for his stellar contributions to the discipline of Environmental Economics that extended the scope of the discipline, both methodologically and conceptually. Prof. M.N. Murty held faculty positions at Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi and Delhi University along with various other prestigious institutes in India and abroad.



Prof. Ramprasad Sengupta

The title of INSEE Fellow was conferred on Prof. Ramprasad Sengupta, during the Tenth Biennial Conference of INSEE (2019), for his seminal work in the area of Energy and Environment that extended the frontiers of Energy Economics to examine its links with ecological economics. Ramprasad Sengupta is a Professor Emeritus in Economics at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi where he was a Professor of Economics for almost four decades.



Dr. (Mrs.) Madhu Verma

The title of INSEE Fellow was conferred on Dr. Madhu Verma, during the Tenth Biennial Conference of INSEE (2019), for her path breaking contributions in refining and honing ecological concepts to make them visible on the radar of policy makers. Prof. Madhu Verma served as a Professor, Area of Environment & Developmental Economics & Coordinator – Centre for Ecological Services Management at the Indian Institute of Forest Management. Currently, she is the Chief Economist at WRI India.



Prof. M. V. Nadkarni 

The title of INSEE Fellow was conferred on Prof. M. V. Nadkarni, during the Twelfth Biennial Conference of INSEE (2024), for his seminal works in the areas of agricultural price policy, farmers movements, political economy of forest use and management, and integrating ethics into economics. Prof. M.V. Nadkarni was a Professor of Economics at Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) and then held the position of Vice Chancellor of Gulbarga University, Karnataka.



Prof. Saudamini Das 

The title of INSEE Fellow was conferred on Prof. Saudamini Das, during the Twelfth Biennial Conference of INSEE (2024), for her seminal works in the areas of climate change adaptation, loss and damage to livelihood due to climate change, valuation of ecosystem services, and coastal vulnerability analysis. Professor Saudamini Das is a professor in the Indian Economic Services (IES) Section of the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi and held the position of the Institute’s NABARD Chair Professor.



Prof. B. N. Goldar

The title of INSEE Fellow was conferred on Prof. B.N. Goldar, during the Twelfth Biennial Conference of INSEE (2024), for his seminal works in the areas of industrial economics and international trade. Prof. Goldar was a Professor at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. He was also a visiting professor of several other reputed institutes in India and abroad, including Centre for International Trade and Development, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.