The Sixth Biennial Conference of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) on “Nature, Economy and Society: Understanding the Linkages” was held during 20-22 October, 2011 at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad.
The conference addressed a diverse repertoire of issues at the interface of nature, economy and society and explored how to use the understanding for policy formulation. The discussion of issues covered cutting-edge conceptual and methodological advances being made in the different disciplines and also addressed current policy relevant problems in the area of environment, development and social justice. Papers focussed on the following genres:
(a) those that evaluate completed and ongoing government programmes and policies ( in particular in South Asia) in terms of contribution to conservation and future growth and examine challenges in formulating and implementing policies.
(b) those that use and assess methodological pluralism vis-a-vis examining nature across disciplines.